Tag Archives: beat

Where have I been?

Good question. Where have I been for a WHOLE month? I could tell you OR you could watch some of my favorite videos. Videos? Good choice. (I would hate to bore you with a 2 page story) Here they go!:


Turn it Loose Documentary! With Ronnie Abaldonado from Super Cr3w!

Ryan and Dom from Quest. One word. HOT!

Ego is the best!

Something very exciting happened to me today. Drum roll please……

I found out that Google Reader exist! (well… It was exciting to me OK!)

Google Reader!

Google Reader!

Pretty colors!

Pretty colors!

My hand hurts and my mom is calling me so…



Pwning and Victor Kim!?

In my first post I said that Blogspot pwnd WordPress. Well, that was half true. Blogger may have more visitors but WordPress is easier and more reliable. (look below)


So I call it a tie!

A tie!

A tie!

I did Hok and Ryan and now its time for…. 5 things I know about Victor Kim!

  1. He is Korean
  2. He is dating Lizzy Richardson 🙂
  3. He auditioned for SYTYCD, but did not make it. 😦
  4. He has a Myspace!
  5. He can play the drums, guitar and sing!

Victor! (D-trix is in the back!)



Victor and Rino!

Victor and Rino!

Hollowback for SYTYCD!

Hollowback for SYTYCD!

Victor rocks! He really deserved to be on SYTYCD.

Next is Dtrix!


Quest And Beat freaks at World of Dance!

I (once again) had to stay at home during a really exciting event. This time it was World of Dance! From what I heard it was off the chain!! (ok, that was lame). Both QUEST CREW and BEAT FREAKS were there. Last year (March 15 to be exact) Jabbawockeez the season 1 winners of ABDC  perfomed there. When I heard that Jabba had performed there, I knew that WOD was to place to be! (Hey that rhymes!)

The Jabbwockeez at World of Dance.

The Jabbwockeez at World of Dance.

The Jabbwockeez at World of Dance.

The Jabbwockeez at World of Dance.

Jabbawockkez FTW!!

Now this year TWO crews from ABDC were performing. The winners and the runner-ups. They both did awesome. I had to watch it on Youtube since they were on the other side of the US. 😦 (they were in Pomona, California

Now enjoy! (the videos dummy)

Quest’s Performance:

And behind the scenes: (the hard butt test! LOL)

The Beat Freaks! They are DOPE!

At meet and greet!

Thanks for reading this post! See ya next time! or post. Whatever.

