Category Archives: My life

Anything that goes on in my life.

Where have I been?

Good question. Where have I been for a WHOLE month? I could tell you OR you could watch some of my favorite videos. Videos? Good choice. (I would hate to bore you with a 2 page story) Here they go!:


Turn it Loose Documentary! With Ronnie Abaldonado from Super Cr3w!

Ryan and Dom from Quest. One word. HOT!

Ego is the best!

Something very exciting happened to me today. Drum roll please……

I found out that Google Reader exist! (well… It was exciting to me OK!)

Google Reader!

Google Reader!

Pretty colors!

Pretty colors!

My hand hurts and my mom is calling me so…



For the love of math?

Here link I wanted to share with you guys! It’s to a awesome site called MATHWAY! It helps you with all of you math problems or whatever. Click on it!

I am currently watching For The Love of Ray J. If you like shows with girls fighting, lots of kissing and drama this is the show for you! I really want Danger or Cocktail to win. Unique needs to go home. She is OLD and UGLY. In my opinion anyway. Feisty was the latest to go home. Lil hood was just NASTY! She a really bad attitude. (She made me gag!) Next episode has Brandy! (his sister) to put the 4 remaining girls under a lie detector. I can’t wait!!!

Danger and Ray J!

Danger and Ray J!


The whole cast!

The whole cast!

Meet the girls!

Thanks for reading and I hope you start to watch the show .(if you don’t already!)

~ Jcandy123

Hok Konishi and Pageants?

What do you get when you cross a hot guy, awesome dance moves and a sense of humor? HOK KONISHI!!

Well pretty much the whole Quest Crew. BUT, this post is all about Hok!

5 Things about Hok Konishi (that I know):

1. He was on SYTYCD Season 3

2. He is a member of Quest crew. (duh!)

3. He can play the violin. (like me :-))

4. He once dated Lacey Schwimmer

5. He has a Myspace!

Yeah, I know that was super lame.



Reptiles (and Hok!)

Hok is on the far right!

Hok is on the far right!

Him being cute

Hok being cute!


Him and Ryan seem like BEST friends. I guess Ryan would be my BFF too if I knew him that well!

Ok, so I have recorded the whole season of  Toddlers and Tiaras. Will it be any good? Those moms are CRAZY!!! Look for yourself!:


Well this has been another crazy post from you friend Jcandy! See ya next post!


Hello world!

Hey its me, Jcandy123!

I’m new to WordPress and I like what I see. (But blogger pwns!)

Let’s get started: 10 facts about me!

1. I love reality TV

2. America’s Best Dance Crew is my favorite show. (ever!)

3. My name is Monica

4. I am currenty obsessed with Ryan Conferido (from Quest Crew)

5. I get obsessed with things (or people) easily

6. Books are the best thing since sliced bread (in my opinon)

7. I love books that are about rich snobby girls. (the clique, the A-list)

8. Zoey dean is NOW my current favorite author.

9. I love to read other people’s blogs.

10. I like WordPress and I am here to stay!!

Since I know that no one will read my blog, :-(, this is mostly for myself. Like a diary. So I may put a lot of personal stuff on here. Oh, and like I said eariler, I AM HERE TO STAY!

Haha. ttyl
