Tag Archives: awesome

Pwning and Victor Kim!?

In my first post I said that Blogspot pwnd WordPress. Well, that was half true. Blogger may have more visitors but WordPress is easier and more reliable. (look below)


So I call it a tie!

A tie!

A tie!

I did Hok and Ryan and now its time for…. 5 things I know about Victor Kim!

  1. He is Korean
  2. He is dating Lizzy Richardson 🙂
  3. He auditioned for SYTYCD, but did not make it. 😦
  4. He has a Myspace!
  5. He can play the drums, guitar and sing!

Victor! (D-trix is in the back!)



Victor and Rino!

Victor and Rino!

Hollowback for SYTYCD!

Hollowback for SYTYCD!

Victor rocks! He really deserved to be on SYTYCD.

Next is Dtrix!
