Hello world!

Hey its me, Jcandy123!

I’m new to WordPress and I like what I see. (But blogger pwns!)

Let’s get started: 10 facts about me!

1. I love reality TV

2. America’s Best Dance Crew is my favorite show. (ever!) http://www.mtv.com/ontv/dyn/dance_crew/series.jhtml

3. My name is Monica

4. I am currenty obsessed with Ryan Conferido (from Quest Crew)

5. I get obsessed with things (or people) easily

6. Books are the best thing since sliced bread (in my opinon)

7. I love books that are about rich snobby girls. (the clique, the A-list)

8. Zoey dean is NOW my current favorite author.

9. I love to read other people’s blogs.

10. I like WordPress and I am here to stay!!

Since I know that no one will read my blog, :-(, this is mostly for myself. Like a diary. So I may put a lot of personal stuff on here. Oh, and like I said eariler, I AM HERE TO STAY!

Haha. ttyl


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