Tag Archives: hotmail

Video games and MSN

I just want to start off by saying that I really, really want the new Rhythm Heaven DS game. I saw the Beyonce commerical and I was hooked!

Rhythm Heaven!

Rhythm Heaven!

I asked my dad if I could get it and he said NO! (of course).

I have a new MSN account! Which means I have a Hotmail too. MSN is really awesome because you cand have a profile,blog,post pics and SO much more! My space at MSN is here: http://jcandyslife.spaces.live.com/. Its under construction right now but you can still look at it.

Under construction (my MSN page)

Under construction (my MSN page)

I guess I’ll end this post with some info about my current celebrity crush: Ryan Conferido!

5 things (that I know) about Ryan:

1. He is a member of Quest crew.

2. He does most of the members of Quest crew’s hair.

3. He is AMAZING at playing the piano.

4. He was on season 1 of SYTYCD.

5. He has a Twtiter and a Myspace!

Cutie :-)

Cutie 🙂

Awesome hair!

Awesome hair!

Just plain epic.

Just plain epic.

Well that’s all folks! Catch ya on the flip side!
